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Sunday, April 5, 2009

More NZ recipes...

Chop Suey

1) dice onions and chop beef
2) cook the onions and add the beef
3) add vermicelli
4) add soy sauce- HEAPS (until really brown)
5) mix

Po Ke (boiled bananas essentially)

1) boil bananas (really ripe ones are good) until purplish (this will take a long time)
2) mix with tapioca mix (a little at a time)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Tonight, Amy and I helped Pani (our host mom) make the most delicious lasagna ever!!


1) cut onions into very fine little pieces.
2) cook them and then add ground beef. add minced garlic
3) add 1 little can of tomato paste and 1 can of tomato sauce. Then add in pasta sauce (maybe 1 jar is sufficient)
4) FOR THE WHITE SAUCE: melt about 2-3 tbsp of butter. Then add about a cup of flour, stir. When it is thoroughly stirred together, add a little bit of milk, stir, add more milk, stir, and continue until the thickness is medium (not too thin, not too thick). Add some cheese.
5) Butter the bottom layer of a rectangular pan, put a layer of lasagna noodle pasta, then a layer of the meat, then a layer of the white sauce, and then repeat. Put a layer of shredded cheese at the top.
6) bake in the oven for 35-45 minutes.
7) Enjoy!

Monday, February 9, 2009

South Island!

The South Island is AMAZING. There are no words to describe- it was more than gorgeous and exciting and fun...



First thing we did was go on the Shotover Jet. We all got into this boat and this guy drove us around really fast. He got really close to the rocks and did lots of spins. It was fun as.

Then we went on the Skyline Gondola- we went up this mountain and went down on luges. Luges are these go-cart type things except it just runs on gravity- no gas, no engines. There was a scenic route and an advanced route, which included some steep drops.

After that, we drove around to look at some sites at this mountain and there was a lot of animals- goats, llamas, deer...and we also took pics by a Lord of the Ring site. There was this cliff where Aragon was pushed off and everyone thought he died. We did a re-enactment there, except when we did the reenactment, we didn't know which scene was shot there so we made one up with Gollum falling off the cliff. It was a better scene anyway.


We went to Milford Sound, this beautiful fiord and we took a cruise boat through it. Absolutely gorgeous.


This was a chill day- we just walked around town, shopping, and reading outside.


BEST DAY OF THE WHOLE TRIP! First, I went with some girls to the Shotover Canyon Swing. You can choose which way you would like to be swung and they are ranked by difficulty. You are on top of a 109 m cliff and freefall for 60 m, and arc for 200m. It was so fun- I was kind of a wimp though because I started out with the easiest one where they sit you down and then let you go. Then I did another one where you're hanging upside down and then they let you go. That was a lot more fun, but they say it is more scary to actually jump off. I wish I had done that...but it was still awesome :)

After that, more of us went river boarding. We had to put on these super tight wet suits (which I found out I put on backwards at the end! I was wondering why I had knee pads on the back of my knees...). We each had a board and we all went down the river together. Didn't sound too bad but when we actually went, it was super hard at the rapids! They kept splashing you and I felt like I was going to drown and I just forgot everything I was supposed to do- like stay in the line and keep a hold of the board. I was just so freaked out and started panicking- I didn't even know I would react that way. I was panting like crazy and everyone said my face was all pale. It was priceless. The guy had to save me and drag me for a long time. I wanted to get out of the river so bad, but that was the worst part. It was a lot better after that. There was a slide and a swing at the end too. I'm glad I went because it was challenging and fun!

Later that night, we went to the Minus 5 bar to drink juice. Haha we went for the experience- they gave us boots, gloves, and a coat and we walked into this small room full of ice sculptures. The seats were made of ice and the glasses that we drank out of were too. Pretty cool.


DAY 5- Waitangi Day

We drove all day long to Christchurch. It was about 8 hours..?


We went to the markets and we found a lot of cool stuff. Lots of jewelry, souvenirs...We walked up the cathedral too. Kind of tiring walking up heaps of tiny stairs but it was a nice view at the top. We also ate at a Chinese restaurant for dinner and it was awkward because we were the only customers in the whole restaurant and all the workers were in the back. But I talked to the lady in Chinese! It was cool- she was really nice- she said I was pretty:) haha. She made me miss my mommy though :(


This was Sunday and we went to church at this beautiful chapel. There was a little waterfall outside and pretty flowers. At night, we played "I have never..." with all us BYU girls and we had a bonding night :D I LOVE US!


We walked around the beautiful botanical gardens and then went punting on the Avon. It was cool- we just went on a boat and this guy named Adam stood in the back and directed our boat by pushing off the bottom with a big stick. Then we drove an hour to Akaroa Beach, this small French town. We went for the beach but the water was ick so we walked around the town and looked through their shops. It was HOT today too! We drove back to Sumner Beach where we had delish fish and chips, except Amy and I got way too many chips- 1 1/2 scoops which was HEAPS! The fish was good though. We had Deep South ice cream too YUM.

At night we had FHE and Estephanie gave a great lesson on how we are all Heavenly Father's children and we bear His name. We want to become like him so we change by repenting to become perfected in Him but we do it a step at a time. I like that. Thanks Estephanie. We had a tim tam slam for dessert and we had some 4 timer champions! (they did it four times). Also we watched everyone's videos from the Canyon Swing and hang gliding. Good times good times :)


And today, we walked through an art gallery, which wasn't the most exciting thing ever. I mean it was interesting but I was tired. But after that we went to the Antarctic Center and we should've come earlier because it was way cool. We saw the cutest little blue penguins and we went into a simulated Antarctic storm. And other cool things too, like watching a movie on the Antarctic on a big screen and also being in a room where it snowed foamy soap. :) And then we flew back to Auckland.

I love the South Island!! and the BYU girls!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Piha Beach

I just walked around the most beautiful beach in the world. Kind of dangerous to swim in because of the waves but it is perfect for viewing. Pictures are worth a thousand words so:

This is a nearby waterfall hidden in some jungle:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium

Today we went to Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium in Auckland. It was awesome- heaps of different kinds of fish, and octopus, turtles, stingrays, penguins...

Then we went to explore Parnell Street- this cute street with lots of shops and restaurants. Some of us ate sushi (I got some really good udon :) )

We walked around Queen Street in Auckland too. Beautiful day...we did a lot of shopping :) Shopping with girls is the best!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Week

It's been one week since I first stepped foot on this lovely country. So much has happened- I feel like I've been here much longer and I don't want to go home! My host family is the kindest, most generous, most awesome people I have ever met. Amy and I feel like queens. They have a son named Junior who's way talented in the DJ arts and a teenage daughter, Cherish. They're so great, they make us laugh and they like driving us around a lot.

I also had the pleasure of having the experience of being bitten by an anonymous bug. Theories: bed bugs, fleas, mosquitoes, hives....i think it's fleas but no idea. i've never had so many and all clumped up together like that- all around my neck, my arms, legs, stomach...my roommate, Amy doesn't have as much but she has itchy hair. We've been using special cream and special bath solution and it's getting better.

Amy, Lauren, and I also took a journey into Auckland by ourselves. It was fun to be free to explore. We went shopping on Queen Street. We'll come back to explore more in the near future. It was interesting trying to find buses to go back. We took a little detour, but nbd (no big deal)- we found our way home.

We've been able to visit a couple beaches as well- Long Bay Beach, some other beach, and Piha Beach. Beautiful.

Other than that, it's just school all day. It's been nice taking walks though to lose everything we've been eating..haha

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Week

Thanks to all those including my dear roommate Amy for inspiring me to create this blog just for my time in New Zealand.